1. Nemesis Termite Bait System.
This is a system that uses cylindrical stations that are installed into soil or
concrete adjacent to buildings and around the perimeter to intercept termites
that may be foraging around a structure.
Regular monitoring (at least 2 monthly) is required and when termite activity is found in the stations Nemesis bait is
applied directly into the cavity at the top of the station. The termites transition
from eating the timber to the highly palatable bait and once they have consumed
enough bait, the colony collapses and the station can be returned to a monitoring
Stations that can be installed on termite activity or timbers affected by
termites are also available and the baiting process is the same as above.
4.5 of 5 stars
2. Exterra Termite Baiting System
This system also works by installing monitoring stations around the perimeter of
a building to intercept any foraging termites both now and in the future. The
timbers that are in these stations are a little smaller and less volume than the
Nemesis system above and as such I believe slightly less attractive. Timbers from
the above system can be inserted into this system bringing them on par. The
requiem termite bait used in this system has the same active ingredient as the
Nemesis system and is just as effective. There are stations available for above
ground installation although the shape and size does not tend to be as versatile
as Nemesis above ground stations. Again the system needs to be monitored each
two months.
4 of 5 stars
3. Sentricon always active
This system works similarly to the two above however it has a bait toxicant
installed in the station immediately. Again this is to intercept any termites
foraging in the vicinity. The stations are installed around the perimeter at three
metre intervals as with the two above systems. Stations are also available for
above ground installation. Monitoring can be carried out at three month
4 of 5 stars
All three systems will kill off a termite colony when the bait is introduced to the
termites and they start eating. I have found the palatability of the Nemesis and
Exterra bait to be preferred by most species of termites particularly those that are most common in Sydney Camden, Wollondilly and The Southern Highlands.
The monitoring stations are reasonably similar in that they all contain a bait
attractant (be it timber or chemical) and all will be effective with some slight
differences, Nemesis has the biggest bulk of timber and seems to keep the
termites occupied longer than the others which can be important when there is a
two month or even three month (with Sentricon) gap between checks.
The above opinions are those of an experienced termite expert who has over 35
years field experience and has used all three systems extensively. Pestgo is based
in Sydney, services Camden, Wollondilly and The Southern Highlands has technicians experienced in all termite baiting systems and can provide servicing for them.