Pestgo Blog
Effective pest management is a collaborative effort
How can I tell if my termite monitoring timbers have been attacked by termites?
Do you have a Termite monitoring system that you attempt to monitor yourself? It does take a keen eye and experience to be able to quickly decide if a timber has been attacked by termites or not, no two stations will look the same but here are a small collection of...
Termites Eating Bait In A House in Picton Near Thirlmere
Termites Eating Bait in Picton Termites, also known as white ants, will enter a house whether it is old or new, in Picton, Sydney or anywhere else, built from hardwood or softwood, they just need the conditions that are attractive to them. I have been told over...
Termite Attack Behind Power Point In Home In Camden
Termites are often very well hidden when they attack a building, can you see the signs of termite mudding on this photograph?Are Termites In Your Walls? When termites enter a home it is mostly over the edge of the concrete slab and then under the bottom brick unless...
European Wasps Detected in The Southern Highlands and Wollondilly
European wasps are native as the name suggests to Europe and also Northern Africa.They were first found in Australia in 1956 and have been slowly gaining afoothold ever since. European Wasps are a very aggressive wasp and (unlike bees) can sting multiple times andhave...
The Best Three Termite Monitoring / Baiting Systems For Australian Conditions
1. Nemesis Termite Bait System. This is a system that uses cylindrical stations that are installed into soil orconcrete adjacent to buildings and around the perimeter to intercept termitesthat may be foraging around a structure. Regular monitoring (at least 2 monthly)...
Rats And Mice Are A Health Risk
Rats and mice are just two of the mammals that belong to the order Rodentia. More than 2,200 species of rodents – such as mice and rats – exist, and more than 40 per cent of all mammal species belonging to the Rodentia order. Australia has more than 60 native rodent...