Pestgo Blog

Effective pest management is a collaborative effort

Car damaged by Rats

Car damaged by Rats

Car Damaged By Rats Is this the most expensive rodent damage bill you have ever seen?   Pestgo a small business in the Wollondilly shire of NSW was called to deal with other matters at the residence where this damage had occurred   In 2019 A gentleman who...

White Ants Vs Termites

White Ants Vs Termites

White Ants Vs termites Are White Ants the same thing as Termites? This is a question I have been asked thousands of times in my career in pest control. The answer is a simple Yes. For those with an inquisitive mind the story can go quite a bit deeper and there is good...

Termite Inspection

Termite Inspection

Termite Inspection Many people are surprised to find that a regular termite inspection is a normal part of the maintenance of a home. Even new homes are susceptible to termite attack and are arguably more susceptible than older homes. Pestgo technicians are...

Pest Control for Rats or Mice

Pest Control for Rats or Mice

Pest Control for Rats or Mice Without carrying out regular maintenance of your home for pests you may end up with damage from rodents as I will outline in this post. Both Rats and Mice have the capacity to create large amounts of damage that can cost significant...

Termites do fly?

Termites do fly?

Termites do fly ? All termite species fly at some point for the proliferation of the species! Once a termite colony is mature the queen starts to pick individuals that will be able to grow wings, fly at the correct time from the nest and set up a new home. Check this...

What Do Termites Sound Like?

What Do Termites Sound Like?

What do termites sound like?Termites make a noise that is sometimes mistaken by people to be them eating. In reality it is most likely the noise they use to communicate with other termites in the colony when danger is around. This audio was capture in a house in...

Redback Spiders in Mount Annan

Redback Spiders in Mount Annan

Redback Spiders in Mount Annan on a job carried out recently. This is not particularly unusual but we wanted to showcase how simple it is to create a home for these spiders. The home owner in this case inadvertantly left a couple of folding tables against the side of...