Be prepared for Fire Ants, they are marching their way across our country and NSW it seems is next on their list. Red Imported Fire Ants (solenopsis Invicta) are a dreaded pest originating in South America and now being found in many countries across the globe and are fast increasing their footprint in Australia.

First detected in Queensland in 2001 they have since embedded themselves into our eco system with ever increasing devastating results. Fire ants become so numerous that in their hunt for food they deny our native ants and other creatures the meal that they have become accustomed to.

Fire ants are coming to a postcode near you
A lone fire ant hunting for food

As you can see in the image to the left Fire Ants are a reddish brown in colour and darker at the rear. They have two distinguishing nodes between the abdomen and thorax and the antennae have a kink in them. Fire Ants have two predominant sizes being a major and a minor however there are actually many differing sizes amongst them if you have the time to observe.

It would be wise to ensure you are able to identify Fire Ants as when they are detected early they can be treated and eliminated. 

It is often easier to get a good idea as to whether you are dealing with Fire Ants or not by observing the nest. It is quite different to many of our native ant species who mostly will build a mound and then have an entrance or multiple entrances through that mound. Fire Ants create a mound from quite small, maybe tennis ball size up to almost a metre across. The top of the nest is not solid like a termite or meat ant nest but quite friable and easily disturbed.

Note the pieces of grass and other plant material integrated into the mound nest.

Fire Ant nest in a typical place nest to a concrete curb
Fire Ants nesting on rural property

How big a risk are fire ants in Wollondilly Shire

Fire Ants have not been found yet in the Wollondilly but in this authors opinion it is only a matter of time before they spread throughout NSW and the Wollondilly.

Thankfully our Council has recognised this in their environment plan and this is reflected on their web site which can be found here.

If you suspect you have found Fire Ants call 132268 or report them on this link

Be Prepared for Fire Ants

Pestgo can provide prevetative treatment for fire ants. This is an easy process that can be done on a regular basis to ensure you are not afflicted by Fire Ants.

Call us on 1800 111 616 or send us an email from here.

If you need help in identifying Fire Ants, take some photographs and send them through to 0410 611 400 with details of where you have found them, try to get clear close up images of the ants and importantly the nest. We will get back to you ASAP.

Fire Ants<br />